About this Lensmaster: NAIZA

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I probably live the life less traveled by many at my age though I'm pretty much the average. Battling a rare genetic bone disorder for twenty plus years now but that's not how my story ends. I take the joys of friendships, the serenity of solitude, the ups and downs of melancholy, drowns of sorrow and the intoxication of love. A certified coffee addict. An idiopath. A social networking junkie. A movie freak. Pet lover. Good food. Sunsets. A simple creature.

A Bunch of Thank U, fellow Lensmasters!

I’ve read an early note about Squidoo payday update that they will be giving $80K all for charity… It’s fascinating for me how things work at Squidoo and being part of making lenses for a cause is something incredible I ever did just spending the best of my time online. These charity work is unbelievable. I wouldn’t mind looking forward to each and ev’ryday doing these stuff. Good grief! But, I am doing okay for all the things I did is well spent in the name of charity.

Some people I came across Squidoo all throughout the past few months has been curious to know the real secret on how to have a successful lens life and traffic. Does it something to do with a credible backlinks? Absolutely! There are times the flow of ideas come up to me in the most awkward and frustrating times. As far as my journey here, I realize that there is no time table because the ideas are endless just like the possibility of earning.

You will notice how my lenses vary from ideas to the other. Mostly, those things I love about the pop culture, food (again, there’s a lot of possibilities out there!), movie reviews, politics, duel, entertainment, music, sciences and books.. etc. But then again, after the first week of the month.. I turn into being idle mad chick, who’s sick and tired being trapped into the sophisticated world of cybergeeks. Anyway, it doesn’t too long when I manage to find my senses again thinking tomorrow is gotta be a different day. And it is, I’m very much thankful for each and ev’ryday that I have to deal with. Life is like a whirlwind. It just passed by whether you’re aware or not.

However, after all the ups and downs… It’s great how things turn out this month! I made it! I made my goal in the Giant Squid Program which I’ve been workin’ on for almost everyday.. It is something I enjoyed doing in the past couple of months or should I say almost a year now. I heard a lensmaster say who made more than a hundred lens, “NEVER GIVE UP!” For me it is a passion you have to cultivate as a part of your busy schedule aside from your full time work, attending the kids, doin’ household chores, or whatever.

Anyway, I want to thank you my fellow lensmasters (GramaBarb, Cheryl, Crypticfragments, mulberry, poddys, eelkat, well forgot the name of the others… check out my Squidoo Fan Page! :) ), Squid Team, Organizers (Bonnie, Robin & Pattie), Megan and Seth, offline and online friends, strangers in a too many billion people in the world, you manage to find me! Rofl!

I don’t know. I just can’t explain.. Congratulations to all the NEW Giant Squidude & Squiddettes!

To those who didn’t make it… Never never give up!

Seee ya around!