About this Lensmaster: NAIZA

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I probably live the life less traveled by many at my age though I'm pretty much the average. Battling a rare genetic bone disorder for twenty plus years now but that's not how my story ends. I take the joys of friendships, the serenity of solitude, the ups and downs of melancholy, drowns of sorrow and the intoxication of love. A certified coffee addict. An idiopath. A social networking junkie. A movie freak. Pet lover. Good food. Sunsets. A simple creature.

my Squidoo updates

Now I need to get back my strut and the passion in keeping up with writing and lens making in any given time of the day. I was so easily distracted in some occasion where ideas mostly I cannot grasp when I badly needed it. 

Though in a positive note, the things I pretty much I worked on in the past couple of years in Squidoo started to pay off. I guess, everything comes in a proper timing. It's just so unbelievable how I'm loving the tedious online work, sleepless nights and the painstaking aftermath of its idleness in a typical days where I mostly find myself wondering what this life will leads me to at the end of the day. There are some goals I'm happily met for the most part the journey has always never been easy. No, there's never an easy way in anything but there's always an endless possibilities. This is probably the price I have to pay so be it.

I realize how change can be a positive thing too. Time flies no doubt. We need to adapt to change. Step out on our own comfort zones in a way to keep up with the changing times. 

Squidoo mostly tweaks itself to rise beyond the challenge that we lensmasters often having a hard time to deal with or not.  But in the end we are all aiming for one good reason that stays: "We need to challenge our ourselves to become what we ought to be." I always have faith in the beauty of the platform and to the online readers as well hopefully the knowledge you put up and share will always be there. 

Sharing is caring how many times I heard they say.