About this Lensmaster: NAIZA

My photo
I probably live the life less traveled by many at my age though I'm pretty much the average. Battling a rare genetic bone disorder for twenty plus years now but that's not how my story ends. I take the joys of friendships, the serenity of solitude, the ups and downs of melancholy, drowns of sorrow and the intoxication of love. A certified coffee addict. An idiopath. A social networking junkie. A movie freak. Pet lover. Good food. Sunsets. A simple creature.

Summary updates

As for this month, there are 34 lenses on my dashboard; 6 lenses on top 100; 4 lenses on top 1000 and lastly 19 on top 10000. So far so good!

I can say that I'm doing alright though at times it feels like I really need that extra effort of motivation to come up with something new and making sure that the contents is updated. My main goal is to maintain the quality rather than the quantity. Did I heard myself right? Is this really me talking?! I just hope that I'm still doing the right thing.

In the last past few months, it is really hard to keep up certain new ideas free-flowing because sometimes my eagerness is there but suddenly your body shift into this unwillingness mode, it doesn't cooperate. That is why I intentionally rest for awhile like a day off from your daily work. But it seems that in everything I do it runs through my system. Plus, I'm becoming a chronic dashboard checker nowadays. I don't know!

Let's start updating, shall we?

Every first week is Squidoo's payday. It is something I joyfully look forward to like everyone does on Squidoo... I'm actually jumping up on my chair every time I see that blue box containing my royalties in that said month. It's a surreal feeling earning extra bucks without leaving home.

Whew! It's like a breath of fresh air knowing that all your sleepless nights of updating, browsing, researching and thinking all over again are finally paying off at the end of it all!

In the last pay day for the month of March, Squidoo paid a whopping $47.70. It decrease for almost $7 unlike last month which so far one of my highest earnings since I started. I don't know. Does it has something to do with seasonal lenses like they say?

I think so. I notice that the last three months (Dec, Jan, Feb) are my highest pay day ever. I never thought that it would going to be like this exciting every month. So far so good! Oh, my! I realize that I got so many things to be thankful for especially a lot of supportive people in my life aside from my fellow lensmasters at SquidU, Squid team, HQ and all the creative minds behind this incredible platform.

Go! Go, Go! Squidooooo!