About this Lensmaster: NAIZA

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I probably live the life less traveled by many at my age though I'm pretty much the average. Battling a rare genetic bone disorder for twenty plus years now but that's not how my story ends. I take the joys of friendships, the serenity of solitude, the ups and downs of melancholy, drowns of sorrow and the intoxication of love. A certified coffee addict. An idiopath. A social networking junkie. A movie freak. Pet lover. Good food. Sunsets. A simple creature.

June payout is here!

Current mood: Blessed

You heard it right! June Payout is right here on my dashboard already.

I'm pretty much satisfied how the turnout of things for this month of August as far as my squidooing is concern.

My total earnings for June is a smashing of $80.35!

It increases for about $6.69 when you compare it to last month. All in all, it's so exciting to know the fruits of your labor after every month of sleepless nights, procrastinating and brainstorming. I just can't believe my accomplishments in the past few months since I joined Squidoo. For so many times, it really taught so many things I never knew it is possible in just a click away. I've been joining so many social networking sites within the past few years but it never went this big. It is totally a blast for me!

Sometimes, people often I talk to can't believe that I'm able to do business and earn online with the help of my limited capacity technically and physically. At first it's like "okay, I already join so what's next?" I'm totally out of the loop when it comes to online marketing, techniques and social networking. Actually life on the internet is pretty boring. I don't know to some. I'm actually a lazy person in a day where I really need to tell myself to get up and get started. But, when I started something I really need to finish it. That is how serious I am when it comes to the things I do. Well, like they say if you don't have passion in everything you do it'll definitely be seen in your work.

Today I'll be giving my lens some love and we'll see what happens next.

How about your payout?

P.S. "Life is so short for all the dramas!"