About this Lensmaster: NAIZA

My photo
I probably live the life less traveled by many at my age though I'm pretty much the average. Battling a rare genetic bone disorder for twenty plus years now but that's not how my story ends. I take the joys of friendships, the serenity of solitude, the ups and downs of melancholy, drowns of sorrow and the intoxication of love. A certified coffee addict. An idiopath. A social networking junkie. A movie freak. Pet lover. Good food. Sunsets. A simple creature.

GramaBarb - My Superhero Grandma

This person is my Superhero because...

You really want to know why? I know you do. She looks familiar, right? She is the Squidoo's very own GramaBarb. She's genuine, heartwarming and encouraging as a grandma. I'm so thankful that I had the chance to know her through her lenses and her beautiful soul like a sunshine to everybody that came across to her.

So let me have this opportunity to publicly thank her with the help of this simple page. Thank you for letting me found Squidoo, for showing me that there's a lot of possibilities out there in life, for teaching me a lot of amazing things I never know how and most of all for bringing out the best in me in my own little ways.

You are truly one of the best grandmothers in the world!

Sorry I got your picture that's why posted it. Just kidding!

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