About this Lensmaster: NAIZA

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I probably live the life less traveled by many at my age though I'm pretty much the average. Battling a rare genetic bone disorder for twenty plus years now but that's not how my story ends. I take the joys of friendships, the serenity of solitude, the ups and downs of melancholy, drowns of sorrow and the intoxication of love. A certified coffee addict. An idiopath. A social networking junkie. A movie freak. Pet lover. Good food. Sunsets. A simple creature.

How to Cope With Failure

What is failure?

Failure is simply define as the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective. It is commonly viewed as the opposite of success.

You may not like to think of it, but it is a reality that majority of us fail in some point of our lives. It's easy to think negatively when it seems that everything that you do is not good enough. No matter how hard it is to work out a relationship in marriages, friendships, families, careers and even struggling with personal weaknesses and expectations.

In a case like this, is there any way to avoid painful feelings of failure into our lives? Yes. Just go on reading what I have to say.

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